Our Mission
Dear visitors,
We are happy to welcome you to the Israel Vehicle Importers Association (I-via) website.
The Israeli car market is currently facing a period of unprecedented change. The technological changes and the new global business models are about to change the product we have become used to consuming. The demographic growth, the transportation infrastructure lags and the challenges of this period will all have a profound effect on the transportation consumption habits in Israel in the coming years.
The new vehicles and those expected to arrive in the near future are less polluting (electric and hybrid vehicles), more economical and immeasurably safer. The market will also gradually see the introduction of new technologies that will enable shared and autonomous transport.
These forecasts, which foresee a revolution in the areas of vehicles and transportation, as well as opening numerous opportunities, entail, at the national level, also quite a few significant challenges. Following are the most prominent of these challenges in the foreseeable future, which constitute a significant part of the I-via's strategic goals:
- A smooth transition to the latest technologies, including technical adjustments, infrastructure modifications (such as charging stations for electric vehicles) and regulatory adjustments (legislative changes, deployment of dedicated sensor and communication infrastructures, setting up a taxation system and a dedicated regulatory envelope).
- Reducing accident damage and air pollution. It seems that in the next decade, new vehicles will already be equipped with technologies that will allow maximum safety and prevention of road accidents, as well as having full or partial electric propulsion, which will lead to a significantly lower level of pollution than the current norm. These changes will require the promotion of plans to take dangerous vehicles off the road. As part of an early preparation for this reality, and representing those who bear the highest responsibility and commitment to road safety, environmental protection in general and air pollution prevention in particular, Israel Vehicle Importers Association plays an important role in formulating a plan for scrappage of old vehicles, (which is also an accepted tool for strengthening the economy and a source of income for the state in this complex period).
- Preparations for solving the problem of road congestion. The solution to the problem of road congestion will come with the understanding that this problem is a strategic national threat, and that solving it requires a holistic approach and creative thinking. In the coming decade, joint working teams of government, car importers and consumer associations will be required in order to find creative solutions to this problem. Among the ideas - more sophisticated demand management and implementation of advanced technologies, developed in Israel and globally, for smart demand management. Promoting such programs will reduce traffic congestion, increase the end users' satisfaction with the passenger car and enhance the car's perceived value in the eyes of the consumer.
In the face of these expected changes, Israel Vehicle Importers Association attaches great importance to making advance preparations by formulating the right strategy for the entire automotive industry and coordinating it with all the entities involved in this area, so that it will lead us to making the right decisions in this complex period. Understanding the forces operating in Israel and globally, gathering information on market changes and building a knowledge base of what is taking place, all of which are part of the Israel Vehicle Importers Association ongoing activities, are the necessary basis for making these strategic decisions.
As of July 2020, Israel Vehicle Importers Association has been accepted as a member of the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA).
The Paris-based Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association OICA was founded in 1919 and serves as an umbrella organization for 37 associations which represent most of the countries in which vehicle production takes place.
As of January 2021, Israel Vehicle Importers Association has been accepted as a member of CLEPA - European Association of Automotive Suppliers.
The Brusells-based Association was founded in 1959 and brings together well over 100 of the world's most prominent suppliers for car parts, systems and modules and more than 20 national trade associations.
Israel Vehicle Importers Association was accepted into OICA and CLEPA based on the understanding that Israel is fast becoming a leader in the advanced vehicle technological systems industry, and the organizations recognize Israel's growing importance in these areas.The membership in OICA and CLEPA strengthens the communication channels and the accessibility of information regarding the current global developments, in everything related to the automotive industry.
I-via's website is intended to serve car importers and industry employees as well as the general public, and contains comprehensive information about the vehicle sector, statistical data, professional articles and more, for your use and convenience.
We invite you to contact us if you have any queries or problems.
Jacob (Yaki) Enoch, President of I-via
(Israel Vehicle Importers Association)
Hezi Shayb, CEO of I-via
(Israel Vehicle importers Association)